Oil & gas

Multidisciplinary engineering for Turbo-compression systems (extraction, storage, pipe-line) both ON-SHORE and OFF-SHORE.

  • Machine and Plant System Engineering (Pipe maps, Support maps, Support books, Special supports, Isometric books, M.T.O. Tank designs, etc.).
  • Electrical and Instrumental engineering (Wiring and Functional diagrams, Raceway installation maps, Certificate lists, Datasheets, Hook-ups, Dimensional calculations, Electric Part selection, etc.).
  • FEM pipe calculations.
  • FEM calculation, Heavy, Medium and Lightweight carpentry study and design, Rotary Machine bases, 3-point bases, etc.
  • Suction, exhaust and ventilation conduit study and design.
  • System engineering (P&I-D), Electrical Load list, Utility list, Paint specifications).
  • Project Engineer support.
  • Autonomous Change management (meetings with the customer, design reviews, site surveys, basic and detailed engineering coordination).
  • Rotary Machine design and detailed design (Centrifuge compressors, a.lternate compressors, gas turbines, steam turbines).