special machines

  • Measurement, control and test instruments for optic and mechanical laboratories.
  • Mass-consumption product metering, selection and packaging machines for the food, health sectors, etc.
  • Automatic part assembly machines for the automobile industry and mechanics in general.
  • Automatic part assembly and welding machines for the automobile, window frame, furniture and metallic shelf industries.
  • Mechanical part processing machinery tools and special work centres.
  • Electric battery construction, handling and production machines and equipment.
  • Normal and special textile machines for the preparation, carding, weaving and finishing sectors.
  • Plastic material processing and finishing machines and especially blow-moulding and injection blow-moulding machines.
  • Automatic bottling machines.
  • Machines and equipment for the rubber and tyre industries.
  • Special machines and equipment designed according to customer specifications.

N.B. In these activities we are not only involved in the planning and design phases but also in the subsequent construction (construction, assembly and commissioning) with the assistance of group company ALPHA SYSTEM for their specific skills.