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Since 1980, U.T.E. Progetti has set the goal of being a valid technical support for all companies that work in multiple industries, both in Italy and abroad. U.T.E. Progetti can count on the qualified assistance a selected and consolidated team of 35 employees supported by a outsourced team of technicians with proven experience and the help of advanced hardware and software systems to provide highly qualified and full service to meet customer needs.
U.T.E. Progetti is specialised in the study, research, planning and construction of machines for highly qualified sectors such as the thermodynamic, petrochemical, water purification, boiler, piping, metalworking, large and medium carpentry, optic and mechanic optic laboratory measurement instruments, mechanical equipment, precision mechanics, automated assembly, packaging, road and rail transport and power loom sectors, etc.

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services and applications

U.T.E. Progetti, especially attentive to its customers needs and to providing high quality services, has been ISO-9001 certified by Det Norske Veritas since 2000, following all the standard updates to ISO-9001-2015. Our production process organisation guarantees a single contact for the customer with whom all information is shared to optimise lead time and executive quality.

Over the years, U.T.E. Progetti has followed a growth process and gained extensive experience based on market and customer needs to provide various types of engineering assistance:

- Simple, guided engineering assistance coordinated by the customer’s technicians
- ully engineering assistance, with participation in preliminary studies, customer demand analyses, detailed engineering, commissioning, documentation and even prototype construction, testing and optimisation.

special machines

Measurement, control and test instruments for optic and mechanical laboratories. Mass-consumption product metering, selection and packaging machines for the food, health sectors, etc. [ know more ]


Rail, railway and train/subway sector. Road transport, automotive sector. Automobile frame and body production lines. [ know more ]

military and space

Metering and testing equipment for space components. Calibration and regulation equipment for the part and/or device assembly and qualification phases for the space industry. [ know more ]

oil & gas

Multidisciplinary engineering for Turbo-compression systems (extraction, storage, pipe-line) both ON-SHORE and OFF-SHORE. [ know more ]

power generation

Machine and Plant System Engineering (Pipe maps, Support maps, Support books, Special supports, Isometric books, M.T.O. Tank designs, etc.). Electrical and Instrumental engineering (Wiring and Functional diagrams. [ know more ]

water purification plants

Multidisciplinary engineering for industrial and public water purification systems: Desalination, remineralisation, condensation processing, waste water purification. [ know more ]

pressure equipments

Customer Specific Analysis, Mechanical Calculation, Structure FEM calculations, Setting Plan [ know more ]
